Our Corpsmembers

Corpsmembers are low-income young adults, ages 18-26, living in Orange County’s poorest communities. The vast majority are minorities, and more than half are the main source of financial support for their families. Many Corpsmembers face significant barriers to achieve academic success and to escape poverty, including lack of stable housing, job readiness skills, and low self-esteem and confidence.

While Corpsmembers face these challenges at home and in their neighborhoods, each weekday they wake up – often before dawn – to start their day with the Corps. These young men and women are resourceful and dedicated, learning new skills out in the field and working hard in the classroom to attain their high school diplomas.

The young men and women who join the Corps are making plans for themselves, their futures, and their families. The Corps is a place where they receive the support needed to put those plans into action. Meet just a few of these hardworking young people below.

“At the OCCC, we start by doing what’s necessary, and then do what’s possible, and suddenly you’re doing the impossible.”

Maria, 19

“The more you want something, the more it manifests itself. That’s what I’ve learned at the OCCC.”

Alfonso, 23

“The OCCC has provided me the knowledge in learning how to use various tools and I enjoy being out in nature.”

Juan, 18

“Thanks to the OCCC, I am working towards graduating this year!”

Natalie, 20

“Being a part of the OCCC has given me confidence and a positive attitude.”

Matthew, 21