Earn, Learn, Serve
Our mission is to serve young, at-risk adults through training, employment, and educational programs that build self-sufficiency and benefit the community through conservation-driven projects.
The OCCC transforms one life at a time through hard work and personal responsibility.
OC Corps
Looking for a job?
The OCCC is NOW HIRING new Corpsmembers!
You will learn professional skills working on environmental, construction and community improvement projects and have a chance to earn industry-recognized certifications while making Orange County a better place to live.
Latest News
2024 Bi-Annual Newsletter
We're excited to share our many accomplishments as we hit the ground running this year. Our staff and Corpsmembers have shown tremendous effort, and we invite you to see the outcomes in our newsletter here: FY 2024 Bi-Annual Newsletter View all the latest news from...
The OCCC is continually seeking partnerships with private industry to augment its relationships with cities in Orange County as well as the County itself. By hiring the Corps, you’ll help develop opportunities for motivated and environmentally-conscious young adults to “learn” a living and green the future.