Partner with the Corps
The OCCC is continually seeking partnerships with private industry to augment its relationships with cities in Orange County as well as the County itself.
By hiring the Corps, you’ll help develop opportunities for motivated and environmentally-conscious young adults to “learn” a living and green the future.
Local businesses can fund a project in part or in whole, thereby providing employment and educational opportunities to the young men and women who need our organization most. You can help us provide a variety of conservation and environmentally related services, such as:
• Restoration of wetlands, fish and wildlife habitat
• Beverage container recycling
• Fuel load reduction and reforestation
• Urban tree planting and environment enhancement
• Transportation enhancement and other infrastructure projects
• Construction and maintenance of park facilities
• Disaster cleanup for such events as wildfires and floods

By sponsoring these projects, you’ll help yield an immediate financial benefit to the community in the following form of economic stimulus:
• Reduction of reliance upon other social services
• Development of an experienced and skilled workforce