Message from the CEO

Over the past six months, the Orange County Conservation Corps (OCCC) has worked alongside nonprofits and local municipalities to provide critical and essential services to communities impacted the most by the COVID-19 pandemic. Each day, our Corpsmembers continue to selflessly serve local residents at COVID-19 drive-thru testing centers and food distribution sites. We are proud to report that they have assisted in providing over 13.5 million pounds of food and over 13,000 COVID-19 tests to residents throughout the region. We are so grateful to our partners who have allowed us to join their efforts in aiding the community. As we transition into the final weeks of summer, it is clear that this pandemic is not nearing its end. We are committed to being support for any Orange County agency or organization that calls upon us for help. It has been both a trying and inspirational six months as we witnessed the real capacity of a community coming together to support one another, and we look forward to continuing to be a part of the essential services all of our Orange County residents deserve during this unprecedented time.
Katharyn O. Muniz
Chief Executive Officer

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